Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ingin membuat webmail sendiri ?
Pertanyaan tersebut pasti sangat menantang bagi pemula linux, apalagi yang lagi getolnya belajar.
Nah, Jika memang ingin membuat webmail sendiri sebaiknya kita semua berterima kasih kepada rekan kita rito yang telah menyumbangkan tulisan ini
Langkah langkah instalasi openwebmail pada Linux Redhat 9

1. Yang pasti login dulu sebagai root

2. Paket openwebmail, yang dapat didownload di

3. Kalo udah pastikan dulu MTA (Maik Transfer Agent) seperti sendmail untuk mail server udah keinstal. Untuk memeriksa apakah system kita sudah terinstal atau belum

rpm qa |grep sendmail
keluarannya seperti berikut:

4. Selain Itu yang diperlukan adalah web server, dalam hal ini apache yang mendukung CGI, karena openwebmail yang akan dibangun ini berbasisikan web mail. Untuk memeriksa apakah system kita sudah terinstal atau belum

Rpm qa |grep apache
Keluarannya adalah sebagai berikut:

5. Persyaratan yang lain yang dibutuhkan adalah perl. Perintah untuk memeriksanya sama:

Rpm qa |grep perl

6. Kebutuhan yang lain adalah :

Langkah langkah instalasi:

Setelah semua paket di dapat maka langkah selanjutnya adalah menginstal paket-paket tersebut

For do the following:

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf
perl Makefile.PL
make install

ps: It is reported that Open Webmail will hang in attachment uploading
when used with older version of CGI module. We recommend using CGI
version 2.74 or above for Open WebMail.
To check the version of your CGI module :

perl -MCGI -e \'print $CGI::VERSION\'

For MIME-Base64 do the following:

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz
cd MIME-Base64-2.12
perl Makefile.PL
make install

ps: Though you may already have the MIME-Base64 perl module,
we recommended you install MIME-Base64 module from source.
This would enable the XS support in this module which greatly
improves the encoding/decoding speed of MIME attachment.

For libnet do the following:

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf libnet-1.0901.tar.gz
cd libnet-1.0901
perl Makefile.PL (ans \'no\' if asked to update configuration)
make install

For Text-Iconv-1.2 do the following:

Since Text-Iconv-1.2 is actually a perl interface to the underlying iconv()
support, you have to check if iconv() support is available in your system.
Please type the following command

man iconv

If there is no manual page for iconv, your system may not support iconv().
Don\'t worry, you can have the iconv() support by installing libiconv package.

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf libiconv-1.9.1.tar.gz
cd libiconv-1.9.1
make install

Type \'man iconv\' again to make sure the libiconv is successfully installed.
Then we start to install the Text-Iconv package

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz
cd Text-Iconv-1.2
perl Makefile.PL

ps: if your system is FreeBSD, or you just installed libiconv manually,
please edit the Makefile.PL and change the LIBS and INC lines
to the following before doing \'perl Makefile.PL\'

\'LIBS\' => [\'-L/usr/local/lib -liconv\'], # e.g., \'-lm\'
\'INC\' => \'-I/usr/local/include\', # e.g., \'-I/usr/include/other\'

make test

ps: If the \'make test\' failed, it means you set wrong value for LIBS and
INC in Makefile.PL or your iconv support is not complete.
You may copy the uty/ to shares/ to make
openwebmail work without iconv support.

make install


1. chmod 4555 /usr/bin/suidperl

2. cd /usr/local/www
tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-X.XX.tgz

3. cd /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc
modify openwebmail.conf for your need.

4. execute /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ --init

If you are using RedHat 7.x (or most Linux) with Apache

1. cd /var/www
tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-X.XX.tgz
mv data/openwebmail html/
rmdir data

2. cd /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc

modify auth_unix.conf from auth_unix.conf.default
a. set passwdfile_encrypted to \'/etc/shadow\'
b set passwdmkdb to \'none\'

modify openwebmail.conf
a. set mailspooldir to \'/var/spool/mail\'
b. set ow_htmldir to \'/var/www/html/openwebmail\'
set ow_cgidir to \'/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail\'
c. set spellcheck to \'/usr/bin/ispell\'
d. change default_signature for your need
e. other changes you want

3. add
/var/log/openwebmail.log {
/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd
to /etc/logrotate.d/syslog to enable logrotate on openwebmail.log

4. execute /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ init
Ketika saya mencoba untuk menjalankan perintah ini, muncul pesan error sebagai berikut:

The perl on your system has serious bug in routine tell()!
While openwebmail can work properly with this bug, other perl application
may not function properly and thus cause data loss.
We suggest that you should patch your perl as soon as possible.

Please hit \'Enter\' to continue or Ctrl-C to break.

Untuk mengatasi solusi ini, ubah baris berikut
if ($offset==0) {
print qq|WARNING!\\n\\n|.
qq|The perl on your system has serious bug in routine tell()!\\n|.
qq|While openwebmail can work properly with this bug, other perl application\\n|.
qq|may not function properly and thus cause data loss.\\n\\n|.
qq|We suggest that you should patch your perl as soon as possible.\\n\\n\\n|;
return -1;
return 0;

if (!$offset==0) {
print qq|WARNING!\\n\\n|.
qq|The perl on your system has serious bug in routine tell()!\\n|.
qq|While openwebmail can work properly with this bug, other perl application\\n|.
qq|may not function properly and thus cause data loss.\\n\\n|.
qq|We suggest that you should patch your perl as soon as possible.\\n\\n\\n|;
return -1;
return 0;

Kemudian jalankan /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ init kembali, nah setelah dijalankan, biasanya openwebmail akan meminta untuk merubah baris pada dbm.conf

# config file for

# dbm_ext
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the extension name for the dbm file on your system
# ps: You can run \'perl openwebmail/uty/\' to get value for this

# dbmopen_ext
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the db extension passed to the dbmopen() call.
# It should be set to \'none\' in most case. You need to set it to %dbm_ext%
# only if you use any DB File module in script explicitly
# ps: It is said this option needs to be set to \'%dbm_ext%\' on the Sun
# Cobal server or Slackware 8.x.
# You can run \'perl openwebmail/uty/\' to get value for this

# dbmopen_haslock
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If your perl dbm system will do filelock in dbmopen() by itself,
# set this option to \'yes\' so openwebmail won\'t do unnecessary filelock
# before dbmopen. On most systems, this option should be set to \'no\'.
# ps: If your openwebmail hangs after login or saving preference,
# you probablely need to set this option to \'yes\'

dbm_ext .db
dbmopen_ext .db
dbmopen_haslock yes

Setelah diubah seperti di atas, jalankan kembali
/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ init

kalau berhasil maka akan muncul baris sebagai berikut:
Welcome to the Open WebMail!

This program is going to send a short message back to the developer,
so we could have the idea that who is installing and how many sites are
using this software, the content to be sent is:

OS: Linux 2.4.20-8 i686
Perl: 5.008
WebMail: Open WebMail 2.30 20040103

Send the site report?(Y/n)

Note: ritoetbalinuxdotordotid

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